因為他老是穿著一樣的衣服,開著一樣的 Toyota Tacoma(貨車上還有落葉沒清掉 XD),所以很難搞清楚這到底是哪天的 video。看著他這類的影片(因為不只一次),都會想說:啊這個人真的很沒意思,怎麼拍就是一樣的衣服一樣的車一樣的鞋子差不多的動作。他不過就是個很多人都認識的一個庶民而已。(笑)
he yet had his old Toyota pickup car during RESCUE DAWN post production (i remember that the executive productor of RD talked about CB's pickup on his blog )
pomme, Yes, I think this Tacoma is the same car which RD producer talked about. His Tacoma, somehow, is like his brown shoes, kind of like his trading mark. :)
3 則留言:
he yet had his old Toyota pickup car during RESCUE DAWN post production (i remember that the executive productor of RD talked about CB's pickup on his blog )
wow... 真的太髒了。高級飯店四季,應該難得有這麼髒的車開過來。
Yes, I think this Tacoma is the same car which RD producer talked about. His Tacoma, somehow, is like his brown shoes, kind of like his trading mark. :)