
Photo from USA Today

帶著起床後沒梳好的髮型,開著上面還有落葉以及一層厚厚灰塵的 Toyota Tacoma,這就是 Christian Bale 去高級的四季酒店讓記者拍照的模樣。

Source: USA Today

翻譯一部分跟 Bale 有關的就好。

(談到保鏢)Bale 說「如果有人在街上擋著去路,他會把人舉起來。我告訴他,別這樣做,我不過就只是在街上走路而已啊。但那保鏢就只是用著尊重的態度表示:這是我該做的事情。」

Bale 的確在中國電影中設立起好萊塢演員的良好典範。在中國期間,他沒有隨從跟隨(一般來說,就算是中國的小牌演員,也都會有一個以上的助理),而且為了電影的完成提供了超出預期的貢獻。

張藝謀說「他替中國人樹立了一個看待西方人與西方演員的標準... 這會兒我們可被寵壞了。」

"He would pick people up and move them out of the way on the street," says Bale. "I was like, 'Don't do that. I am just walking down the street.' (The bodyguard) was like, 'Respectfully, this is what I must do.' "

Bale certainly set a great example on the set as the rare Hollywood actor in a Chinese domestic film. He had no entourage during his time in China (normally, even minor Chinese stars have multiple assistants) and went beyond expectations to aid the film's completion.

Says Yimou: "He set an example for Chinese people to understand Western people and actors. …We're a little bit spoiled now.''
