
Actor Jeremy Irvine Praises Christian Bale

Source: UK PA

此位 21 歲的演員,以第一次世界大戰為背景的『戰馬』作為他大螢幕上的處女作,而且金獎導演 Steven Spielberg 更將他表現與 Christian Bale 的並列而論。

「喔,別鬧了啦,真的別鬧了。」Jeremy 說著「你們真會說話。Christian Bale 是我最欣賞的演員之一,你這麼誇我真的讓我很高興,但是我跟他根本就不能比。」

不過 Jeremy 坦白說,他很樂意追隨 Christian 的腳步。

「我常常在談到影藝事業時,會舉 Christian Bale 當做我正面評價的例子。他每部電影的表現都很出色(註:原文是說「根本找不到一片他表現不好的」)他選片的方式很完美,我認為 "The Fighter" 是這五年內我所看過電影中最好的一部。」

The 21-year-old actor makes his big-screen debut in Steven Spielberg's First World War epic, War Horse, and the Oscar-winning filmmaker has likened him to Dark Knight star Christian.

"Oh come on! Stop it," Jeremy said. "That's very sweet. Christian Bale is one of my favourite actors so I am hugely flattered. But it's ridiculous."

But Jeremy admitted he would love to follow in Christian's footsteps.

"I use Christian Bale a lot when I'm talking about careers I really admire. You struggle to find a film where he didn't do a fantastic job. He makes amazing choices. I thought The Fighter was one of the greatest films I have ever seen in the last five years."
