
Something About Christian Bale @FoW Set

今天與大家分享一則從『我們一起走過』書中有關 Bale 的小故事。

這則是由錄音指導陶經先生所提起有關 Bale 的所見所聞。好了,開始囉。

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拍攝的前幾個月,每天都陪著藝謀和貝爾。貝爾挺有意思的,據說當天就辭退了組裡配給他的保鏢,要一輛能夠站起來穿服裝的巴士車,一切就為了工作方便。這些舉動讓我想起了一個詞 -- 妖魔化。不知道哪些個無良媒體和經紀公司,非要把明星不分場合地「妖魔化」,企圖煽動廣大民眾的情結,被骨灰級浩浩蕩蕩的陣勢雷昏。可憐、可疑。

貝爾的一個細節很值得談論,在片場,他總會帶著一個黑盒子。經打探,得知那是一台錄音機,意在走戲排練時,把藝謀的指導和自己的台詞錄下來,回巴士上反覆聽。做電影的都知道,台詞好了、實在了,演得肯定不會差。本以為用來錄音的東西應該是一款新式的「文明利器」,但那只是個盒式磁帶的 Walkman,20 世紀 70 年代的產物。當做工具的,就是工具而已,可使用就好。我一定不會感嘆他的勤儉節約,而是欣賞他對物質的態度。
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Briefing in English: (storyteller is Tao Jing. The Recorder)
Bale brings a black box with him all the time while filming. The black box is an old fashion walkman, he uses it to record the director's instruction and his own lines. Then he can listen again and again in his own trailer. Tao Jing is very surprised that Bale uses the old walkman instead of new recorder. He admires Bale's attitude toward to material.

4 則留言:

FrenchGirl 提到...

CB is probably the last guy to use it (LOL)

Marco 提到...


His brown shoes, his old walkman. I always wonder where his pay goes to. :P

FrenchGirl 提到...

don't forget his kaki cargo , his house without swimming pool and his old pick-up!

Marco 提到...

I believe you also know his home address. I remember there is actually a swimming pool in his house?