
Candids~ Thank you, Falco san

如果你是從 TDK 之後就開始密切注目這位大哥的人的話,這組照片你一定不陌生。這是他在 2009 年閒閒沒事做那段時間,跑到住家附近的遊樂場玩電動時被拍到的樣子。那天是 2009/02/24。最近 Corbis 這個網站似乎是每天都會更新他的一些狗仔照片,Falco san 天天都很好心的把新照片送給我。因為 Corbis 似乎是設定成讓美國以外的地區無法看到這些照片,所以都得用翻牆軟體才行啊。
Christian Bale bizarrely likes to play kids arcade games in his spare time!

In yet more bizarre behavior from Christian Bale, the "Batman" actor likes to hit kids video arcades to play computer games in his spare time and on his own. After recently having a public feud with his mother and sister and a recorded outburst on set of his new film "Terminator Salvation", the actor stepped out for a run and ended up on Santa Monica Pier playing arcades for nearly half an hour. The multi millionaire could easily have any modern computer console but maybe the British actor just like the old classics! His favorite game was "Raiden Fighters" from the '90, which he poured quarters into. He was wearing shorts, sunglasses and a sweat shirt. The actor looked intense at "Playland Arcades" before heading back home.

狗仔很盡責(?)得把他玩過的機台也拍給大家看了,還讓大家知道他玩什麼遊戲。從很多蛛絲馬跡可以看出,他其實是個很孩子氣的大男孩,似乎 Sibi 姊姊也是當做家裡有兩個小孩在持家呢。

2010/12/05: Christian Bale looks stone cold with pink purse and a doll in LA.
Carrying his daughter's little doll and her pink purse back to the card, Christian Bale keeps a straight face with his long hair and full mustache. Perhaps getting into character for his next film, Bale is never too busy to help his family.

Christian Bale 在 2010 年十一月中一直忙到 2011 年底。從開始宣傳 The Fighter,到開始參加各個獎項,去中國拍攝『金陵十三釵』,後來就是為期七個月拍攝 The Dark Knight Rises。這系列的照片算是忙裡偷閒吧。

The Fighter 的首映是在 LA,Christian Bale 也還是飛到了紐約參加 Good Morning American 的訪談。GMA 一直都很喜歡他,總是對他相當禮遇。他在紐約也另外參加了 The Fighter 的 Q&A,我記得他還去逛了一下街,不過買的東西都是小公主用的。
