感謝 doggy57 (in Baleheads.com)細心的收集許多演員們對 Christian Bale 的意見以及讚賞。東西實在很多,我會慢慢地更新。
Russell Crowe (PR Neswire Aug 2007)
兩名演員努力在嚴苛的新墨西哥拍攝場地中營造互相尊重以及玩樂的幽默。Crowe 開玩笑說「是啊,不管身處在怎樣的環境中,我就是轉身對他說『蝙蝠俠!你多功能腰帶上有哪些玩意兒?』比如說『河水氾濫了,看到沒?快拿出你多功能腰帶上的工具來!快啊,蝙蝠俠!挑一個來用用。』在西部片裡面不太可能會有人會配戴多功能腰帶的。」
Russell Crowe, PR Newswire Aug 2007: The two actors forged a bond of mutual respect and humorous banter during the grueling location shooting in New Mexico. "Yeah," Crowe jokes, "whatever situation we're in, I just turned around and said, 'Batman! What have you got in the utility belt, man?' Like, 'The river's swollen, flooded, you know? What have you got in the utility belt? Come on, Batman, sort it out!' Which is unusual in a Western, someone having a utility belt."
James Mangold (PR Neswire Aug 2007)
執導『為你鍾情』的 James Mangold 自認很幸運能夠與兩位「非常優秀的演員」且受到敬重及具說服力的 Crowe 與 Bale 合作。Mangold 在 2007 年十月的 C&I 提到「老實說,沒什麼人可以辦到,在已經沒人在拍西部片時拍攝西部片,而卻得找出適合古裝片且能夠駕馭馬兒的演員,又具男子氣概並同時帶有近代感,又要有可親的氣質及憨厚的特質 -- 幾乎所有的演員都無法符合以上的條件,除了這兩名演員和其他的為數不多的演員。」(註:也就是 Russell Crowe & Christian Bale)
James Mangold, PR Newswire Aug 2007: James Mangold, who also directed "Walk the Line," considers himself fortunate that both Crowe and Bale are "truly amazing actors" -- and, just as important, genuinely persuasive as Westerners. "To really be honest," Mangold says in the C&I October issue, "there are few people who can do something like this. If you're making a Western in a time when people really don't make Westerns anymore, and you're looking for men who look comfortable and alive and real on a horse, who seem appropriate in a period film, who carry with them a kind of timeless masculinity instead of, you know, a kind of modern, slumped-shouldered, affable, goofy quality -- then you've automatically eliminated almost every guy working in movies except these two guys and a few others."
Pernilla August (Nordic Reach Sep 2003)(註:飾演 "Mary, Mother of Jesus" 中的耶穌母親)
「我很榮幸被選為詮釋這個角色的人選,我也很喜歡與 Christian Bale 一起合作。」
Pernilla August, Nordic Reach Sep 2003: “I was honored to be chosen for the part and I loved working with Christian Bale [who played Jesus]."