
Others Talk About Bale

Prestige 的演員 Hugh Jackman
“I would think it’s fair to say, he’s fairly low-key, as is Chris Nolan. Fairly low-key in they're just very relaxed. But Christian, no. He's got a very cheeky sense of humor, and quite naughty, but very relaxed. He's got a baby, I've got a baby, so we had play dates together and hung out.
I admire Christian because he feels no compulsion to be anything other than who he is. It doesn't matter. Ever since Batman, he's become a big sort of star and box office. He's exactly the same kind of actor he always was, which I think is incredibly truthful and very dedicated, and unbelievably fearless. I mean, if you look at what he tackles as an actor, it's kind of extraordinary.”
啊!Bale 站在兩個長人中間又凹進去了。

「就跟 Chris Nolan 一樣,他十分低調。他們兩位都低調而且悠閒。不過說到 Christian,他還有種白目的幽默感,非常頑皮,卻仍維持著他的悠閒。他的寶寶出生沒多久,而我的寶寶也才剛出生,所以我們曾經一起幫小孩們辦聚會,時常混在一起。我欣賞 Christian 的一點就是,他總是自在地扮演他自己,不過這也沒什麼了不起的。更難得的就是,在蝙蝠俠之後他已經算是個有票房保證的電影明星,但他工作的態度卻與不曾改變。他的態度坦率、專注且無懼。我的意思是,他面對工作時的表現就是項奇蹟。」
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3:10 To Yuma 導演 James Mangold
“ There’s a kind of performer who is more about selling their persona, their brand. That’s certainly not what Christian is about!”
有羅素可以幫忙扛起宣傳工作,Bale 難掩開心的神色啊~

「就是會有那種極力推銷本人及自我品牌的演員。這都不是 Christian 會做的事情。」
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Public Enemies 導演 Michael Mann
“Christian works in a totally different way. He becomes the character so totally that he’s that person 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The accent’ everything!”

「Christian 工作的方式很特殊。他會一週七天、一天 24 小時完全地成為他所演出的角色。他的腔調說明了一切。」
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Empire of the Sun 的 Bale 角色的真人版本 J.G. Ballard
“Another eerie moment occurred when I was on the set at Sunningdale and a 12 year old boy in fancy dress came up to me and said “hello, Mr Ballard, I’m you” This was Christian Bale, who played Jim so brilliantly, virtually carrying the whole film on his shoulders”
有影評說「Bale 總是以完美形象出現在螢幕前,

「另一個怪異的時刻發生在我到達 Sunningdale 拍片現場的時候。一個身著華服的 12 歲小男孩走向我並對我說『你好,Ballard 先生,我就是你』那就是 Christian Bale,那個成功地演出 Jim,並一肩扛起整部片重擔的男孩。」
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最後來聽聽...呃...白目的新系列終結者導演 McG 講過的話
“You’ve never met a guy less interested in money, less interested in fame”

"He's got an amazing body. Those [nude] scenes in American Psycho were traumatizing"
「他有副完美的身體。他在 American Psycho 中的(裸體)場景十分震撼。」

4 則留言:

verna 提到...



Marco 提到...

唔...昨天在翻譯的時候一直在想 amazing 在這邊到底怎樣翻比較好。amazing 是驚人的意思,有的時候口語中會被解釋為「太好了」。所以...

有影評說他的第一部 Bale 電影就是 Velvet Goldmin,看到 Bale 時的第一個感想就是「這是誰?Todd 的小男朋友?!」(笑)

好喜歡他 Empire of the Sun 的那段插曲。

verna 提到...

看A Midsummer Night's Dream首映訪問


Marco 提到...

我看 Midsummer's 的那一段也是在想「這個攝影師在幹嘛啊(偷笑),怎麼一直拍人家的臉跟嘴唇啊!」(爆)


他在 Maxim Fashin 的影片中講過「(當模特兒攝影中)這種時候,我得想像我是某個角色,不然我會說『幹什麼!你們幹嘛盯著我瞧!別再盯著我!』」所以要是他知道有人這樣拍他,他搞不好會更羞澀?