
Biography - Found by IMDb kmrcCB

這幾天在 IMDb 討論板上看到會員 kmrcCB 找到 Yahoo Movies 對於 Bale 的介紹。不少人都認為,這真的寫到 Baleheads 的心坎裡。

Thanks to kmrcCB who found this nice biography.

Source: Yahoo Movies
Despite having all the necessary tools to become a star – looks, talent, presence – actor Christian Bale lacked one necessary ingredient at the start of his career: tolerance for being in the spotlight. After achieving instant celebrity after being tapped by Steven Spielberg to star in his epic period film, “Empire of the Sun” (1987), Bale suddenly discovered that he hated dealing with publicity. Instead of faking his way through interviews and junkets, he mentally checked out, sometimes sitting through an entire session without answering and occasionally flat out refusing to participate. But as he got older, he realized that the publicity aspect of acting was vital to his success, so he grew more and more comfortable with every new career landmark – “Little Women” (1994), “American Psycho” (2000), “Batman Begins” (2005) and its sequel "The Dark Knight" (2008) chief among them. Bale came to accept publicity as a necessary evil before he was lost to obscurity, though his talent far surpassed any of his contemporaries, making him a lock on becoming a star no matter how hard he tried to avoid it.
儘管他擁有能夠成為巨星的籌碼 - 他的長相、才情以及曝光率 - 身為演員的 Christian Bale 在他事業的開頭便少了一個重要的元素:他無法忍受聚光燈的照射。在 Steven Spielberg 的曠世鉅作「太陽帝國」 (1987)的庇蔭下,Bale 瞬間成了名人。Bale 當下發現他無法與眾人眼光安然相處。與其在所有的訪談以及記者會上戴上面具,他決定退出這個遊戲。他要不是就坐在記者會的角落,不然就是直接了當的拒絕出場。他於是能夠安然坦適的走向每個工作上的里程碑 -- 在「小婦人」 (1994)、「美國殺人魔」(2000)、「蝙蝠俠 開戰時刻」(2005)以及續集的「黑暗騎士」(2008)的劇中擔任主角。在被眾人所遺忘之前,Bale 也漸漸地理解到宣傳活動是個必要之惡。他有過於其他同期演員的才華,就算他再怎麼努力躲開名氣,他已經註定會走向巨星之路。

1 則留言:

Jacks 提到...

私心以為最後一句是亮點啊~!!!No matter how hard he tries to avoid spotlight,he is actually focus~!!!Eye-catcher~哈哈哈~寫了這麼多半吊子英文~
奇怪,一直反復聽Running Up That Hill的Placebo版~爲什麽我覺得這首歌很適合~0.0