
He is a Beautiful Man

我最近不知道是賀爾蒙太過亢奮還是怎樣,還是說 WB 透露的 Teaser 中 Batman 他實在太帥氣,我不停到到處大喊大叫的說 "He is extremely sexy!" 之類非常 fangirl 的花痴發言。

這位帥哥私底下真的很鬆散,但是穿上西裝的他,以挺拔之姿站在鏡頭前,那整個畫面就是一副畫,一幅有著沉著味道的畫。當然啦,身為 fangirl 的我,看著他穿著 T-Shirt 加上運動褲走在大街上,那個模樣當然還是很帥氣,不過,所謂的「人要衣裝」,有了西裝的襯托氣氛就是不一樣,帥氣就是帥氣。如果像 Melvin Purvis,分明就應該是低調一點的暗色衣服去電影院抓 Dillinger 的才對,但 Michael Mann 大導為了不浪費這個帥哥的美貌,所以就讓我們的帥哥穿上了整身白,站在復古味道濃厚的芝加哥街頭。

更別說很重視畫面質感的 Christopher Nolan 了!就像某個法國影迷在 IMDb 說的,Nolan 非常喜歡穿西裝很帥氣的男人。其他男性演員不說,這個在科學報告中被稱為全世界最美麗的男性的 Christian Bale 穿上西裝更是氣質加倍。


4 則留言:

FrenchGirl 提到...

or Nolan is gay or his lead actors are an image about Nolan(Nolan always wears some suits and i remember some people said Dicaprio looked alike Nolan in INCEPTION but i have a friend who disagreed with it : she tought it was a fat Bale in INCEPTION trailer)?

Marco 提到...


Actually, I think Nolan is a handsome guy, although his hair...er... and he is not that slim... His attitude, wisdom and the way he speaks make him more charming. Frankly speaking, I like Nolan's looking more than Leo's.

And Noooooooo, no way Leo is a fat Bale. Fat Bale is even better looking than Leo. Let's take a look at some roles Bale looks fatter.

Dr. Sam in "Laurel Canyon": He is still beautiful! (Call me Balehead!)

Bruce Wayne in "Batman Begins": I still think Bale bulked up too much in BB. But he is still beautiful! (Call me Balehead, again!)

By the way, I think Mr. Bale is incredibly sexy in batsuit.


Jacks 提到...

Well, allow me to add another fangirl line:
CB looks gorgeous in whatever he is wearing (or, not wearing at all)

Marco 提到...

You can say that again! :)